Thursday, October 2, 2014

Overcome Your Fear of Reading the Bible!

Reading the bible used to be very challenging to me. Not that it was difficult to understand, but I was afraid of being condemned by the word and even more condemned when I didn't read the word due to fear of condemnation. Deep? Maybe, but it is a reality for many and that's why I decided to write this post. How do you overcome your fear over the bible so that you can find peace and enjoy reading it?

    First of all, we need to realize that there is an enemy that works hard to keep us away from the bible and spending time with God. Our feelings are given to us by God and they can be good but they are nonetheless one of Satan's main target. He whispers lies that make us feel discouraged, scared, condemned... if we let the pain of those feelings overwhelm us and control us they will keep us away from the very thing that takes all negative thoughts and emotions away. Satan tries to keep us away from the solution of all our problems. One of my bible school teachers said that most of our problems arise due to the lack of prayer and spending time in God's presence and word.  John 10:10 affirms this by saying: "The thief (Satan) comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." See?! The enemy wants to take everything away from us but God wants to give us abundantly, in great quantity.

    Yes, the bible will make us realize how "bad" and sinful we are but we can't become better persons if we don't realize that with God's help we can become better. Instead of feeling criticized by the word you can see it as a challenge. If you really want to become better you will do anything to become better. The bible leads us, guides us and teaches us how to become more like Jesus. After all,  B-I-B-L-E does stand for: Basic instructions before leaving earth. To be honest with you, as I overcame my fear of reading the bible I realized that it was more fulfilling, full of love, hope and encouragement than ever criticism. Remember how Jesus said that He was the way the truth and the life? (John 14:6). Don't you agree then that Jesus=truth? How do you respond to the fact then that Jesus said: "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:21)

God is love (1. John 4:8).                                           There is no fear in love (God), but perfect love (God) casts out fear. (1. John 4:18). In other words; there is no fear in God. He's the one that actually casts out our fears. 
God is the word (John 1:1).  He is the truth (John 14:6). 
If you abide in my word (God), you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth (God), and the truth (God) will set you free. (John 8:21). 
In short; if you abide with God you will get to know Him and He will set you free.Jesus also said: "Sanctify them in truth; your word is truth (John 17:17). As I understand, God = love = word = truth.This is all coming from the bible we're so scared of. Funny, huh?

Don't get me wrong and think that you need to read many chapters of the word a day now in order to be problem free. Start easy. Here are some tips to help you start, and as you start you will soon overcome your fear of the word!

1. Read inspiring christian books or listen to preachings through podcast. There you will read about normal people like you and me and how they have overcome the same challenges we have with God's help. We can learn from other people! And what's even better is that good christian authors always back up their stories and teachings with bible verses. Look up those verses in your bible and underline them. Soon you will be overwhelmed with so many good and encouraging bible verses that you won't understand your fear anymore. I recommend authors such as Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen and Ulf Ekman.
2. Look up bible verses about love, joy, hope etc. and you will get all the good stuff. (The bible is ALL good stuff).You will break the ice by reading just one verse from the bible!

3.  Pray. All good changes start with a prayer. 

4. Each book in the bible has a theme. Start reading a book in the New Testament about less complicated issues. 1. John is a lot about love. It's short and so encouraging.Other good books to start on are James, Romans, Hebrews...

5. START now!!! 

I hope with all my heart that this will encourage you to overcome your fear of reading the bible. I want you to experience the joy and fulfillment of reading the word. It's too good to miss out on.

With peace and love,

Sahara Rós