Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Getting the Message A-CROSS

Today in bible school Joakim Lundqvist, the pastor of Livets Ord, had an ecouraging teaching about stepping out of our comfort zone and daring to trust that the Holy Spirit is always with us. In one of his testimonial stories he told us about a conversation he had with a nonchristian girl. During the conversation she told Pastor Joakim that she didn't realize that we Christians actually believe in a LIVING God! Surprised at her statement he asked her what she thought Christians did every Sunday during church meetings? She answered him that she thought they simply came together to reminisce
Jesus and all the good works He did.
      When I heard this story I was so surprised. I was so surprised that the wheels in my mind start turning so fast that you could almost see the smoke coming out of my brain. I started thinking about how we Christians could have inspired such a misunderstanding as believing in a "non-living" God. As for now, only one thing comes to mind. We Christians diligently emphasize that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and sickness, which is true. If Jesus had not died we'd still be hopelessly fighting sin and sickness unto eternal death and we wouldn't have a gospel to preach. However, as much as we speak about Jesus' death which became life for us, we need to stress the fact that Jesus Himself is still alive, active, powerful, loving TODAY as He was 2,000 years ago and has always been. He needed to die AND conquer the death in order for us to gain freedom from death through Him and gain a living relationship with Him.
      The fundamental symbol of Christianity is the cross. Of course we as Christians understand the meaning of the cross but do the nonbelievers around us? As Pastor Joakim also mentioned, we have our own "christianese" language that we use while communicating with our brothers and sisters in Christ, but if we use that same language to non-christians I am sure they will not have a clue on what we are talking about. I would never walk up to a nonbeliever and tell him, "Because of the final sacrifice of the Lamb your transgressions can now be forgiven you." We need to simplify our message and be clear about what we believe in.
      I am pretty sure that a cross is one of the first things a person thinks of when He hears about
Christianity. I see Christians post a lot of photos of the cross (and other Christian symbols too of course)
on Instagram and Facebook along with bible verses or other encouraging messages, so of course it is
normal that people who haven't heard about the gospel connect the cross to Christianity. I have the tendency to wonder if those pictures are more there to inspire us Christians or to give us an opportunity to share the gospel with our friends and followers. To avoid misunderstanding, I think those pictures are beautiful and the messages encourage me a lot. But my main point in this article is that there is a need for us Christians to be more clear on what we believe in and most importantly that Jesus IS ALIVE!
      I am not encouraging anyone to stop talking "christianese" or posting bibles verses or pictures of crosses, but that it is important for us all to stand together in unity and bring God's WHOLE message to people in a simple way. We need to be creative and put ourselves into their shoes of understanding. We need to find ways in every area of our lives to speak of the gospel in an understanding way so that we are prepared when the chance presents itself. 1. Peter 3:15 says that we should always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks us for a reason for the hope that is in us. Be simple, be creative and be READY!

Finally, let us get this message a-cross; Jesus is ALIVE! So simple is that.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Journal of Joy!

      A couple of years ago during some of the biggest valleys in my life I started my journal of joy. What is that you may ask. It's a journal where I write inspirational quotes from books I am reading,
song lyrics, important memories, prayers and most importantly scriptures that have nurtured my heart and that God has given me. I don't believe I will ever stop keeping a journal like this. Writing down things makes it easier to remember them and if you ever go through a tough time, or if you are simply having a bad day, you can always go back to your journal and be encouraged. 
      There have been days I really needed encouragement and when I looked into my journal I got the joy I was lacking since everything I read was something that had personally encouraged me before!
I highly recommend you to keep a journal for yourself. You will always be encouraged and as the years pass you will see every journal you kept as a jewel. It's always fun to look back at what God has done in your life and see you much you have grown as a person. 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Little Forget-Me-Not

Forget-me-nots are my absolute favorite flowers, the prettiest ever. It is easy to create heartfelt symbolic meanings with them and I have done that many times in my own personal writing. I think forget-me-nots are quite underestimated; often referred to "just" being tiny weeds. But if you put in the effort to take a closer look at them, they are just perfect; the beautiful rich blue color, and what seems like a yellow crown in the center, symbolically the crown of life, and they stick to you no matter what!
      Faithful flowers they are indeed. I also love the fact that when they are developing, but not fully bloomed, they are purple. My favorite color. These flowers remind me of myself, to be honest. There have been times in my past where I felt like a little forget-me-not; easily looked past, small and tiny, fragile and different. The world may see me as a weed; different, old fashioned when waiting for true love, my godly standards, my choice of giving up my life so it may be lived for God… but "that's all right," I thought. I am in this world, but not of it. I should be different! I should contain things the world is looking for. They should yearn for the God living in me. 
      And I should be small and tiny; like a forget-me-not. That way God can grown strong and big in me and His strength in my weaknesses will be a testimony to all. The more time I dwell in God’s love and stick to Him, the bluer I will get and in the end I will fully bloom in Him.
I always imagine when the right man comes along, he will notice me, the little forget-me-not above all the other flowers, even the roses. When he picks me, I will stick to his heart forever. And God inside me should attract him. God always leads his men to pick the right flower.
     Out of this idea of the personification of the forget-me-not this poem was born. 

He found a flower by the sea,
Its fragrance called his name.
"My love, I am your destiny,
My heart is for your aim."

Reaching for the tiny flower,
He pressed it to his heart.
With so much beauty to devour,
His senses fell apart.

Forget-me-not tiny and blue,
Cried with tears from the rain.
In his hands a different view,
A world with no more pain.

Above all roses it was picked.
Rejoice! The day had come.
Never again by thorns was pricked,
True strength hardships came from.

He found her waiting, woman fair,
His true beloved one.
He placed the flower in her hair,
Her heart was aimed and won.

Pick Jesus and the right guy will pick you. God never forgets you and picked you before you picked Him!

Your sister in Christ,

Sahara Rós