Thursday, April 24, 2014

Love: The Missing Piece

During the time of my life I was waiting to find my true love I enjoyed staying busy by being creative and blessing others. Creativity took my mind away from the waiting and gave me joy when I shared it with others.
    Almost two years ago I wrote a poem. I'm not a good painter so I use words to paint pictures and tell stories instead. The poem I wrote is a story I believe many can identify with. We love God with all our hearts and believe He is enough, yet there is this strong desire to find romance.
    I used to pray and pray to God to take my desire for romance away. I only wanted to want Him and yet I felt I couldn't be complete until I was united with my true love. I believed God was working on my love story but I didn't want to need love or feel the difficulty of waiting while I was waiting.
    Now when I look back I can clearly see that even though I didn't know who I'd marry yet God had started working on my love story!
I wrote this particular poem as a wedding gift for my sister the day before she got married. Today when I have found my true love, Emanuel, and therefore know when I met him for the first time, I can happily say that I met him the SAME day as I wrote that poem. And as me and Emanuel were getting to know each other he often quoted things from my poem without having read it or realising that he was quoting it in the first place! Therefore, I was even more sure that God had put him in my life and had given him those quotes in his heart.
    And with this story "poem-prophesying" was invented. Just kidding. Still, I think there's a truth to the thought of poem-prophesying because I still believe God can work through our words and hands. God is creative so He enjoys using our creativity.

Here you can now read the poem:

On a green pasture a little girl lay,
dreaming of love that seemed far away.
God was her all, everything she needed,
but desire for romance left her defeated. 
Her heart was half, still missing one piece,
crying for hope, God's heavenly ease. 
Like a music box her life played a song,
waiting for someone special to sing along.
The love the Lord has for this little girl
caused all the angels to dance, twist and twirl.
Her long awaited fairytale God would create,
a match made in heaven, her chosen soulmate. 
One perfect day as the girl knelt in prayer,
a young man passed her, attempted to sway her.
He fell in love with her passion for God,
her purity, her fairness, he silenced and awed.
"My life is like lyrics in lack of a tune," he then said.
"Sing your life song, and we'll dance under the moon."
Her song matched his lyrics, his heart matched her half. 
God peeked from heaven and happily laughed. 

∼ The End ∼

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