Thursday, April 10, 2014

Singing Your Life Song

God has given you a life of song
He writes the lyrics all day long.
Be His instrument, play your part
Let Him conduct His perfect piece of art. 
(written April 15, 2011)

In Difficulties
Sometimes when things are difficult it can be challenging for us to wait for things to turn around. We even wonder if things will ever turn around. I have many times in my life been in situations where there seems to be no hope of change and all I have is trust in God. I can't deny that trusting God in such times can be so challenging that your faith needs a lot of strengthening. What can we do then to strengthen our faith?

So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. 
∼ Romans 10:17

There is such truth in that scripture. According to John 1:1 God is the word. Through the word everything was created. What we can see is made out of things that our invisible to the human eye (see Hebr. 11:3). In other words, God specializes in creating things out of nothing. Therefore, through His word you can receive faith that you don't see and don't have. We need to fill our minds with the word so that there is no more room for doubt, disbelief or discouragement. Start believing what the Word or God says instead of what your thoughts and emotions say. 

The Lord is my strength and my song;
He has become my salvation.

∼ Psalm 118:14

Your Life Song
If God is the Word we can reword this scripture by saying: 'The Word is my strength and my song...'. 
One thing that has helped me through my tough times is to think of my life as a song or a book. Each song has a beginning and the end. God has given us a song we are to sing are whole lives. He is the composer and therefore He alone knows what will happen while we continue to live in the unknown for the rest of our lives. Our job is to keep on singing, praising God with our song. As we do that God will continue to give us the lyrics to our song word by word until the it is finished. Praise is so powerful that demons have to flee! It angers the devil when we praise God in our hard situations. Do what you can to irritate Him. If you don't believe me read 1 Samuel 16:23.

Your Life Story
If we look at our life as a book we know that it has a beginning and an end. The pages start out empty but God fills the pages with words and chapters, thus writing our life story. We go through different chapters in our lives; happy ones, sad ones, exciting ones, etc. Stories usually have a good ending, at least all God's stories do, so if you are going through a difficult chapter right now know that another chapter will come after this one. No book is good unless it has some sad and difficult chapters. The more experience you have the more you can help others. Live your life so that is may be a book others can read and be encouraged by.

Most important of all, let God be the conductor of your life song and the author of your book.  

He is my music, He is my song, 
writing my lyrics all day long.

In prayer for you,

Sahara Rós


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